Monday, June 13, 2011

mucking out the stalls....

So...  I have had my first major "stall", or at least what I am considering where I am at with my weight loss a stall because it is easier to explain then the 2 steps forward one back then one step forward 2 back type of tango that has been going on.

I have had no real downward progression. I haven't really lost in the last 3 months. Since my pneumonia and broken rib (that after 3 and a half months is STILL GIVING ME ISSUES!!!!), under direction from my Dr, I haven't been in the gym in the last 3 months either.

As a result, to (pardon the pun) "muck out the stall", I've started to food journal my a$$ off! I've not been the greatest at this in the past, but I'm putting everything into it. Every bite is logged and amount entered (estimated at least especially when it is even 1 or 2 bites of something)   I need to SEE where my intake of calories, fat, carbs, and proteins are at. Started using the food journal on as it also has an app for my cellphone which I felt was essential for ease of [read: excuse-less] use. Another perk, I'm finding is that I'm getting in more water :) Had been struggling with that also. Five days food journaling and going STRONG!!!

So I'm holding steady in the 250's... but considering I am down from my highest of 361 that is pretty awesome in and of itself.

Scientists find genes linked to migraines

Unfortunately, I am one of the 20% of the population that suffer from migraines. This article is an interesting read.
Scientists find genes linked to migraines

Sunday, February 20, 2011

so here I am...

New to *actively* blogging so please bear with me (the concept is not foreign as I have been lurking on others blogs for quite some time). Trying to get this to *work for me* aka be easy enough to read and pretty too :)